The Man-Alive Grappling Curriculum

The Man-Alive Martial Arts grappling and Jiu-Jitsu classes follow a rotating schedule of covered topics. I really enjoy the idea of a reoccurring lesson plan, as it allows me to really look at positions and options multiple times from other angles. Each time I teach an idea, I learn a bit more myself, so even teaching the same thing twice -it is never the same.

There are no secrets in training. I'm happy to share our way of doing things in an effort to bring the community together. If you'd like any further explanations of what we do, please email me. Enjoy.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Our New Home!

The Leslieville Jiu-Jitsu Club is 
now being hosted by EastSide TKMT!

And we couldn't be happier! Come on out to see what we are doing on the mats now. Our programs remain the same, the location is new.