I really enjoy this kind of training, and re-connecting with friends on the mats. I believe that this is why I've enjoyed the seminar style training that I've been a part of for the last 5 years as well. I would recommend to anyone to experience training with different groups and people as often as is possible just to get a wide variety of body types and coaches' viewpoints.
This first trip marks the coming to fruition of an idea that I've had for the club since I first started teaching of being able to offer regular training trips and to network with other local and friendly clubs. It is my hope to be making a habit of visiting other places every couple months or so as part of our regular classes. This is something for everyone, as so often in the past I have seen this type of training reserved for competition teams only, or only for seminar participants. Part of why we train is for the social aspects of connecting with friends and meeting new people within the grappling community, which is why I'm so pleased to see the beginning of our training trip program.
Have fun, and keep on the mats!
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